Get Outdoors!

Nature’s Role in Reducing Anxiety and Depression

  Nature plays a crucial role in reducing anxiety and depression by providing a peaceful environment that helps people relax and clear their minds. Spending time in green spaces, like parks or forests, can lower stress levels and create a sense of calm. The sights and sounds of nature, such as the rustling of leaves or the flow of a river, have a soothing effect that can ease anxious feelings.

Being in nature also helps improve mood and reduce depression by promoting physical activity and mindfulness. Activities like hiking, gardening, or simply walking in a park encourage movement, which releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood enhancers. These activities also help people stay present and focused on the beauty around them, breaking negative thought patterns and providing a mental break from daily stressors.

Social interactions in natural settings further boost mental health benefits. Joining a hiking group, participating in a community garden, or attending outdoor yoga classes provide opportunities for connection and support, which are vital for those dealing with anxiety and depression. The combination of physical activity, social interaction, and the calming effects of nature creates a powerful way to enhance mental health and wellbeing.


  Barrie is located on the picturesque shores of Lake Simcoe, making it the perfect location for outdoor activities!  

-The Waterfront Trail along Kempenfelt Bay offers over 6 km of paved walking trails!  Whether you want to walk or run along the water, swim at the beaches, visit the playground, or get onto the water in a kayak or paddleboard-  there is something for everyone of all ages to enjoy!

-With 17 km of trails over 524 acres, most of which are zoned Environmentally Protected, Ardagh Bluffs is another great option for walking and hiking!  

You’re Grounded!


Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of connecting with the Earth’s natural energy by walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil. This simple act can help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall well-being by allowing the body’s electrical system to synchronize with the Earth’s energy.

Ways to enjoy the outdoors:

Hiking: Explore nature trails and enjoy the beauty of forests, mountains, and rivers.

Gardening: Spend time planting flowers, vegetables, or herbs in your garden.

Picnicking: Pack a meal and enjoy it in a park, by a lake, or at the beach.

Camping: Set up a tent and spend a night or more under the stars.

Birdwatching: Observe and identify different bird species in their natural habitats.

Biking: Ride your bike along scenic routes, trails, or around your neighborhood.

Kayaking or Canoeing: Paddle through lakes, rivers, or along the coastline.

Nature Photography: Capture the beauty of landscapes, wildlife, and plants with your camera.

Outdoor Yoga or Meditation: Practice mindfulness and relaxation exercises in a natural setting.

Stargazing: Find a dark spot away from city lights and enjoy the night sky, identifying constellations and planets